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Bharata Natyam

typical indian dance positionBharata Natyam is usually danced in the South of India and hasn't changed since the last hundreds of years. It tells stories about gods and/or behaviour of man.

My teacher comes from Sri Lanka and mainly teaches dances that describe the life of Lord Krishna and his love Raddha.

The dance is executed normally in a half sitting position (the space between your bent knees should resemble a square on its top) and is very hard to learn for North European people. First there are learned the basic steps for a long period before starting with combinations of steps.

To tell stories, you use facial expressions as well as closing, opening or rolling of the eyes and hand movements (called Mudras) in rapid changes. In between these story telling parts of the dance there is mostly a smaller part that only consists of rhythmic dancing that only interpretes the music and has no meaning by itself.

The time to learn all these is long but learning in itself is a pleasure. You find yourself involved in a different culture and thinking, at least once a week.

And if you know some German, you might want to have a look at my instruction for beginners (in German), so that you can start your training right here and now.

Startseite des Indischen Tanzes
Grundlagen des Indischen Tanzes
Einführung Grundschritte
Handbewegungen - Mudras
Choreographie für Anfänger - Teil I
Choreographie für Anfänger - Teil II
Basic Steps - Part 1
Basic Steps - Part 2
Basic Steps - Part 3
Basic Steps - Part 4
Basic Steps - Part 5
Basic Steps - Part 6
Basic Steps - Part 7
Basic Steps - Part 8
Basic Steps - Part 9

Books about India (in German):

To read about (in German) Bharata Natyam, der klassische indische Tanz
Abbild des Göttlichen
von Vijaya Rao
Hermann Bauer-Verlag
ISBN 3 7626 03162

A Yoga of Indian Classical Dance: The Yogini's Mirror
von Roxanne Kamayani Gupta
ISBN: 0892817658 (in English)
ca. 60 DM
Indian Cooking (in German) Das grosse indische Kochbuch
mit 200 Originalrezepten aus allen Regionen
von Julie Sahni

Links to pages about India:

Indian Tourism
Info Bharata Natyam
Pictures of Bharata Natyam
Teachers for Indian Dance in Germany
Page about Bharata Natyam

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